5 Tips to increase the speed of your Looker Studio Report :

Looker Studio is one of the best Reporting tools in the market for any type of analytical Report. So, we tend to use our Reports to its full potential as Looker Studio is totally free. When we use all of what we can, like creating charts, scorecards, graphs, tables etc.. Our Report tends to get very slow. In this article, we are sharing 5 tips which can surely improve your speed of the Report from the existing one!

1. Use less number of scorecards

Using less number of scorecards makes the number of calls reduce, As each scorecard has a separate call unlike tables and graphs.

2. Keep the date range accurate

Lesser the range faster the loading time. If you add a date range for 2 years or a year, it would take a lot of time to fetch the data and would also make the Report Choppy. An ideal date range for the fastest report would be “last 30 days” with another 30 days of comparison range which makes it a total of 60 days.

3. Report Traffic

A Report can be used, one user at a time, which can improve the loading speed and time. Multiple users using a single Report for modification makes the Report auto save and load many time than usual. A max of 2 people at the same time can edit a Report which does not affect the speed much

4. Advantage of Tables

Try to combine metrics under common supportable dimensions, which can fetch a lot of data in just a single call under a single table. A table can make soo much of a difference for a faster Report!

5. Ideal fast Report

Use less number of pages per Report, instead increase the height and width of your existing page. This would look like a lengthy long Report, but is easy to create, modify and load. It only loads one single time, when you open the Report unlike pages, where it reloads often.

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