How to cancel your subscription

Thank you for being a valued member of our community. We’re sorry to see you go, but we’re here to help you through the cancellation process.

Method 1: Request Cancelation Using the Chatwoot Support forum

Click on the blue message logo placed on our home page.

You will have a dialogue box opened, click on Start conversation

Type in your Email, add a brief message on the reason for your cancellation, and click on submit.

Method 2: Apps portal

You can also follow the same steps in Google Sheets and Looker Studio apps portal, by clicking on the message logo

Method 3: Email support

You can try reaching out via email to and raise your cancellation query. Our support will get back to you with a response under 5 minutes.

I hope this article helped you in the process of canceling your Two Minute Reports Account. However, you can still can get an extension for your free trial by contacting support, if you feel you need time playing with the tool.

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