Facebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance Report
Facebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance ReportFacebook Ads Overall Performance Report

Facebook Ads Overall Performance Report

Advertising (PPC)
fadsFacebook Ads
gdsFor use with Looker Studio

About the template

This is a fully loaded Facebook Ads Template which can get you almost all the KPI's a marketer would need to view and analyse. We have an overview of the basic KPIs like Amount Spent, Impressions, Clicks, Conversions & Cost per Conversion. Comparison graphs are created for Account performance. We have tables that compare your Campaign and Ad Performance which makes your work much simpler. and we have a table that gives valuable insights to your Posts. Do check the preview of the Template to get a better perspective.

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