Unable to fetch Shopify data due to API limitations. Consider enabling the Speed Boost to resolve

If you’re encountering a Shopify query error that reads “Unable to fetch Shopify data due to API limitations. Consider enabling the Speed Boost to resolve” don’t worry, you’re not alone.

This error arises from restrictions set on the Shopify API, particularly limiting simultaneous requests. Despite our efforts to mitigate this issue, it may still occur, especially if your Shopify store is handling a large volume of orders. This congestion slows down subsequent requests, triggering the error message.

To permanently resolve this issue, we recommend utilizing the Speed Boost feature.

Benefits of Speed Boost:

  1. Effectively addresses the API limitation error.
  2. Significantly accelerates query processing.

To activate Speed Boost for your Shopify store, simply follow the steps outlined here.

Should you encounter any difficulties or require assistance, please contact us here.

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