Facebook insight performance overviewFacebook insight performance overview
Facebook insight performance overviewFacebook insight performance overview

Facebook insight performance overview

Social Media
finsFacebook Insights
gdsFor use with Looker Studio

About the template

This is a unique dashboard that compares the data of two months, with the ability for the user to dynamically change the months. This interactive dashboard includes important data such as Total likes, new likes, organic reach, paid reach, total reach, impressions, page post engagements, and reactions for the page. 1)How much is my page growing: This section features an interactive scorecard that compares the total likes, new likes, organic reach, paid reach, total reach, and impressions. It also includes dynamic charts. 2)Are the audience engaged: This section showcases dynamic charts for page post engagement and the total number of engaged users. 3)It also includes scorecard charts that compare different user reactions such as like, love, wow, sad, and anger.

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