Snapchat Ads - 32 Days Performance Overview ReportSnapchat Ads - 32 Days Performance Overview ReportSnapchat Ads - 32 Days Performance Overview ReportSnapchat Ads - 32 Days Performance Overview ReportSnapchat Ads - 32 Days Performance Overview Report
Snapchat Ads - 32 Days Performance Overview ReportSnapchat Ads - 32 Days Performance Overview ReportSnapchat Ads - 32 Days Performance Overview ReportSnapchat Ads - 32 Days Performance Overview ReportSnapchat Ads - 32 Days Performance Overview Report

Snapchat Ads - 32 Days Performance Overview Report

Advertising (PPC)
snapadsSnapchat Ads
gdsFor use with Looker Studio

About the template

This template provides a quick overview of your key Snap Ads metrics. 
1) Additionally, it includes scorecards charts for various metrics such as purchases, swipes, impressions, amount spent, swipe up rate, eCPV, eCPM. 
2) Furthermore, it contains a chart that compares impressions and video views by month and year. 
3) Impression by region: It showcases the total number of impressions observed in different countries. 
4) Top Campaigns: This section comprises the list of top campaigns based on campaign status, impression, swipes, and conversion view content. 
5) Top Ads: This section features the list of top performing Ads based on impressions, swipes, and conversion view content. 
6) Impressions By Gender: It displays the data of the total number of impressions made by different genders. 
7) Impression By Age: It presents the total number of impressions made by people of different age groups. 

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