Google Analytics 4 OverviewGoogle Analytics 4 OverviewGoogle Analytics 4 OverviewGoogle Analytics 4 Overview
Google Analytics 4 OverviewGoogle Analytics 4 OverviewGoogle Analytics 4 OverviewGoogle Analytics 4 Overview

Google Analytics 4 Overview

Web Analytics
ga4Google Analytics 4
gdsFor use with Looker Studio

About the template

This is an interesting dashboard on Google Analytics 4 data, which consists of major KPI's like conversion by events, conversion by channels, Total users, conversions, conversion rate, transactions, revenue etc. There is also a graph chart for Total users vs conversions, Total users and conversions vs medium. You also get pie charts for User by device, User by Gender, Conversion by device Conversion by gender and conversion by Country. And finally you have campaign Analysis and Analysis by medium. Check out this template to get a real-time experience of the Report.

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