Field group | Field | Type | Data type | Description |
Performance | Impressions | METRIC | INTEGER | Count of how often your ad has appeared on a search results page or website on the Google Network. |
Performance | Clicks | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of clicks |
Performance | Amount spent | METRIC | MICRO_CURRENCY | The sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period |
Performance | CTR | METRIC | FLOAT | The number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number of times your ad is shown (Impressions) |
Performance | Bounce rate(%) | METRIC | FLOAT | Percentage of clicks where the user only visited a single page on your site. Imported from Google Analytics. |
Performance | Average pageviews | METRIC | FLOAT | Average number of pages viewed per session |
Performance | Average time on site(sec) | METRIC | INTEGER | Total duration of all sessions (in seconds) / number of sessions. Imported from Google Analytics |
Performance | CPC | METRIC | MICRO_CURRENCY | The total cost of all clicks divided by the total number of clicks received |
Performance | CPE | METRIC | MICRO_CURRENCY | The average amount that you've been charged for an ad engagement. This amount is the total cost of all ad engagements divided by the total number of ad engagements. |
Performance | CPM | METRIC | MICRO_CURRENCY | Average cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM). |
Performance | Interactions | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of interactions. An interaction is the main user action associated with an ad format--clicks for text and shopping ads, views for video ads, and so on |
Performance | Interaction rate | METRIC | FLOAT | This is the number of interactions divided by the number of times your ad is shown |
Performance | Engagements | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of engagements. |
Performance | Engagement rate | METRIC | FLOAT | This is the number of ad expansions divided by the number of times your ad is shown |
Performance | ROAS | METRIC | RATIO | The return on ad spend. |
Performance | ROAS (all) | METRIC | RATIO | The return on ad spend (Includes all conversions) |
Conversions | All conversions | METRIC | FLOAT | Best estimate of the total number of conversions that Google Ads drives. Includes website, cross-device, and phone call conversions |
Conversions | Conversions | METRIC | FLOAT | The number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. |
Conversions | Cost per conversion | METRIC | MICRO_CURRENCY | The cost of ad interactions divided by conversions.This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. |
Conversions | Cost per all conversions | METRIC | MICRO_CURRENCY | The cost of ad interactions divided by all conversions. |
Conversions | Conversions value | METRIC | FLOAT | The value of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. |
Conversions | Conversion rate % | METRIC | FLOAT | Conversions from interactions divided by the number of ad interactions |
Conversions | All conversions value | METRIC | FLOAT | The total value of all of your conversions, including those that are estimated |
Conversions | All conversion rate % | METRIC | FLOAT | All conversions from interactions (as oppose to view through conversions) divided by the number of ad interactions. |
Conversions | Cross-device conversions | METRIC | INTEGER | Conversions from when a customer clicks on an Google Ads ad on one device, then converts on a different device or browser. |
Conversions | View-through conversions | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of view-through conversions. These happen when a customer sees a Display network ad, then later completes a conversion on your site without interacting with (e.g. clicking on) another ad |
Conversions | Value per conversion | METRIC | FLOAT | The value, on average, of a conversion |
Conversions | Value per all conversions | METRIC | FLOAT | The value, on average, of all conversions |
Conversions | Conversions (by conv. time) | METRIC | FLOAT | The number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. |
Conversions | Conv. value (by conv. time) | METRIC | FLOAT | The value of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. |
Conversions | Value / conv. (by conv. time) | METRIC | FLOAT | The value of conversions divided by the number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. |
Conversions | All conv. (by conv. time) | METRIC | FLOAT | The total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless of the value of include_in_conversions_metric. |
Conversions | All conv. value (by conv. time) | METRIC | FLOAT | The value of all conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. |
Conversions | Value / all conv. (by conv. time) | METRIC | FLOAT | The value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions. |
Video | Video views | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times your video ads were viewed |
Video | Video view rate (%) | METRIC | FLOAT | The number of views your TrueView video ad receives divided by its number of impressions, including thumbnail impressions for TrueView in-display ads |
Video | Watch 25% rate | METRIC | FLOAT | Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 25% of your video |
Video | Watch 50% rate | METRIC | FLOAT | Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 50% of your video |
Video | Watch 75% rate | METRIC | FLOAT | Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 75% of your video |
Video | Watch 100% rate | METRIC | FLOAT | Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 100% of your video |
Calls | Calls | METRIC | INTEGER | Number of offline phone calls |
Calls | Call impressions | METRIC | INTEGER | Number of offline phone impressions |
Calls | Call rate (%) | METRIC | FLOAT | Number of phone calls received (phone_calls) divided by the number of times your phone number is shown (phone_impressions). |
Gmail | Gmail forwards | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times your ad was forwarded to someone else as a message |
Gmail | Gmail saves | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times someone has saved your Gmail ad to their inbox as a message |
Gmail | Gmail secondary clicks | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of clicks to your landing page on the expanded state of Gmail ads |
Impression share | Search impression share | METRIC | FLOAT | The impressions you've received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive |
Impression share | Search exact match impression share | METRIC | FLOAT | The impressions you've received divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive on the Search Network for search terms that matched your keywords exactly (or were close variants of your keyword), regardless of your keyword match type |
Impression share | Search top impression share | METRIC | FLOAT | The impressions you've received in the top location (anywhere above the organic search results) compared to the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive in the top location. |
Impression share | Lost search IS due to budget | METRIC | FLOAT | The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Search Network but didn't because your budget was too low |
Impression share | Lost search IS due to rank | METRIC | FLOAT | The estimated percentage of impressions on the Search Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank |
Impression share | Content impression share | METRIC | FLOAT | The impressions you've received on the Display Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive |
Impression share | Lost content IS due to budget | METRIC | FLOAT | The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Display Network but didn't because your budget was too low. |
Impression share | Lost content IS due to rank | METRIC | FLOAT | The estimated percentage of impressions on the Display Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank |
Active View | Viewable impressions | METRIC | INTEGER | A measurement of how often your ad has become viewable on a Display Network site. |
Active View | Viewable CTR | METRIC | FLOAT | Active view measurable clicks divided by active view viewable impressions. This metric is reported only for display network. |
Active View | Viewable CPM | METRIC | FLOAT | Average cost of viewable impressions |
Active View | Active view measurability | METRIC | FLOAT | The ratio of impressions that could be measured by Active View over the number of served impressions. |
Active View | Measurable active view cost | METRIC | MICRO_CURRENCY | The cost of the impressions you received that were measurable by Active View. |
Active View | Active view measurable impressions | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times your ads are appearing on placements in positions where they can be seen. |
Active View | Active view viewablility | METRIC | FLOAT | The percentage of time when your ad appeared on an Active View enabled site (measurable impressions) and was viewable (viewable impressions). |
Landing page | Mobile-friendly click rate | METRIC | FLOAT | The percentage of mobile clicks that go to a mobile-friendly page |
Landing page | Valid AMP click rate | METRIC | FLOAT | The percentage of ad clicks to AMP (accelerated mobile pages) landing pages that reach a valid AMP page |
Other | Invalid clicks | METRIC | INTEGER | Number of clicks Google considers illegitimate and doesn't charge you for |
Other | Invalid click rate | METRIC | FLOAT | The percentage of clicks filtered out of your total number of clicks (filtered + non-filtered clicks) during the reporting period |
Other | Top impression percentage | METRIC | FLOAT | The percent of your ad impressions that are shown anywhere above the organic search results |
Other | Absolute top impression percentage | METRIC | FLOAT | The percent of your ad impressions that are shown as the very first ad above the organic search results |
Other | Search absolute top impression share | METRIC | FLOAT | The percentage of the Search ad impressions that are shown in the most prominent position. |
Other | Search rank lost top impression share | METRIC | FLOAT | The number estimating how often your ad didn't show anywhere above the organic search results due to poor Ad Rank |
Other | Search budget lost absolute top impression share | METRIC | FLOAT | The number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad above the organic search results due to a low budget |
Other | Search budget lost top impression share | METRIC | FLOAT | The number estimating how often your ad didn't show anywhere above the organic search results due to a low budget |
Other | Search Click Share | METRIC | FLOAT | The number of clicks you've received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of clicks you were eligible to receive |
Quality score | Historical quality score | METRIC | INTEGER | The historical quality score |
Quality score | Historical search predicted CTR | METRIC | STRING | The historical search predicted click through rate (CTR) |
Quality score | Historical landing page quality score | METRIC | STRING | The quality of historical landing page experience |
Quality score | Historical creative quality score | METRIC | STRING | The creative historical quality score |
Organic | Organic clicks | METRIC | INTEGER | Number of times someone clicked your site's listing in the unpaid results for a particular query |
Organic | Organic clicks per query | METRIC | FLOAT | Number of clicks you've received on your organic search listings divided by the total number of searches that returned pages from your site |
Organic | Organic impressions | METRIC | INTEGER | Number of organic search listing impressions |
Organic | Organic impressions per query | METRIC | FLOAT | Average number of times a page from your site was listed per query |
Organic | Organic queries | METRIC | INTEGER | Total number of searches that returned organic search results for your site over the given period |
Time | Year | DIMENSION | YEAR | Group results by year |
Time | Year month | DIMENSION | YEARMONTH | Group results by Year and month, e.g., 2023-Jan. |
Time | Year month number | DIMENSION | YEAR_MONTH_NUMBER | Group results by Year and month number, e.g., 2023-01. |
Time | Month name | DIMENSION | MONTHNAME | Group results by Month of the year, e.g., January. |
Time | Month number | DIMENSION | MONTH | Group results by Month as represented by the date of the first day of a month. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. |
Time | Week number(sun - sat) | DIMENSION | WEEK_NUMBER | Group results by Week as defined as Monday through Sunday, and represented by the date of Monday. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. |
Time | Week start date(sun - sat) | DIMENSION | WEEK_START_DATE | Start date of the week. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. Week starts on Monday |
Time | Week number(mon - sun) | DIMENSION | WEEK_ISO_NUMBER | Group results by Week as defined as Monday through Sunday, and represented by the date of Monday. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. |
Time | Week start date(mon - sun) | DIMENSION | WEEK_ISO_START_DATE | Start date of the week. Formatted as yyyy-MM-dd. Week starts on Monday |
Time | Date | DIMENSION | DATE | Group results by Date |
Time | Quarter | DIMENSION | QUARTER | Group by Quarter as represented by quarter number of the year. e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4. |
Time | Day of week | DIMENSION | DAY_OF_WEEK | Group results by day of week eg. Monday |
Time | Hour | DIMENSION | HOUR | Group results by Hour |
Account | Account name | DIMENSION | STRING | Group by Account name |
Account | Account ID | DIMENSION | INTEGER | Group results by account Id |
Account | Account status | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by account status |
Account | Timezone | DIMENSION | STRING | Group by timezone of the account |
Account | Currency | DIMENSION | STRING | Group by currency of the account |
Campaign | Campaign name | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by campaign name |
Campaign | Campaign ID | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by campaign id |
Campaign | Campaign status | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by campaign status |
Campaign | Campaign Start date | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by campaign start date |
Campaign | Campaign End date | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by campaign end date |
Campaign | Serving status | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by serving status |
Campaign | Advertising channel type | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by advertising channel type |
Campaign | Advertising channel sub-type | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by advertising channel sub-type |
Campaign | Bidding strategy | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by bidding strategy |
Campaign | Bidding strategy type | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by bidding strategy type |
Campaign | Final URL suffix | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by campaign final url suffix |
Custom conversions | Conversion action category | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by conversion action category |
Custom conversions | Conversion action name | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by conversion action name |
Custom conversions | External conversion source | DIMENSION | STRING | Group results by external conversion source |
Budget | Budget name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the campaign budget |
Budget | Budget ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The ID of the campaign budget |
Budget | Configured budget amount | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | The daily budget of the campaign. |
Budget | Budget status | DIMENSION | STRING | The status of this campaign budget |
Budget | Budget Period | DIMENSION | STRING | Period over which to spend the budget |
Budget | Budget delivery method | DIMENSION | STRING | The delivery method that determines the rate at which the campaign budget is spent |
Budget | is budget shared | DIMENSION | BOOLEAN | Specifies whether the budget is explicitly shared |
Budget | Number of associated campaigns | DIMENSION | INTEGER | The number of campaigns actively using the budget |
Ad Group | Ad group name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the AdGroup |
Ad Group | Ad group ID | DIMENSION | INTEGER | The ID of thr Adgroup |
Ad Group | Ad group status | DIMENSION | STRING | The status of the ad group |
Ad Group | Ad group type | DIMENSION | STRING | The type of the ad group |
Ad Group | MaxCPC | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | The maximum CPC (cost-per-click) bid. |
Ad Group | MaxCPM | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | The maximum CPM (cost-per-thousand viewable impressions) bid |
Ad | Ad name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the ad |
Ad | Ad ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The ID of the Ad. |
Ad | Ad status | DIMENSION | STRING | The status of the ad |
Ad | Ad type | DIMENSION | STRING | The type of ad |
Ad | Ad approval status | DIMENSION | STRING | The status of the ad's policy summary approval |
Ad | Ad slot | DIMENSION | STRING | Position of the ad |
Ad | Ad final urls | DIMENSION | STRING | The list of possible final URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the ad. |
Ad | Ad display url | DIMENSION | STRING | The URL that appears in the ad description for some ad formats |
Ad | Ad final mobile URL | DIMENSION | STRING | The list of possible final mobile URLs after all cross-domain redirects for the ad. |
Ad | Ad tracking url template | DIMENSION | STRING | The URL template for constructing a tracking URL |
Ad | Ad custom url parameters | DIMENSION | STRING | The list of mappings that can be used to substitute custom parameter tags in a `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls` |
Ad | Ad image name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the image |
Ad | Ad image url | DIMENSION | IMAGE_URL | URL of the full size image |
Ad | Ad image height | DIMENSION | STRING | THe height of the image |
Ad | Ad image width | DIMENSION | STRING | THe width of the image |
Ad | Ad device preference | DIMENSION | STRING | The device preference for the ad |
Ad | Automated | DIMENSION | BOOLEAN | Indicates if this ad was automatically added by Google Ads |
Ad | Headline | DIMENSION | STRING | List of text assets for headlines |
Ad | Headline part 1 | DIMENSION | STRING | The first part of an expanded text ad headline |
Ad | Headline part 2 | DIMENSION | STRING | The second part of an expanded text ad headline |
Ad | Headline part 3 | DIMENSION | STRING | The third part of an expanded text ad headline |
Ad | Long headline | DIMENSION | STRING | The long format of the headline in a responsive display ad |
Ad | Short headline | DIMENSION | STRING | The short format of the headline in a responsive display ad |
Ad | Path 1 | DIMENSION | STRING | The text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL for an expanded text ad |
Ad | Path 2 | DIMENSION | STRING | In addition to "Path1", more text that appears in the ad with the displayed URL for an expanded text ad |
Ad | Description (expanded text ad) | DIMENSION | STRING | The descriptive text of an expanded text ad |
Ad | Descriptions (responsive display ad) | DIMENSION | LIST | The descriptive text of an responsive text ad |
Ad | Descriptions (responsive search ad) | DIMENSION | LIST | List of text assets for descriptions. When the ad serves the descriptions will be selected from this list. |
Ad Extension | Ad extension type | DIMENSION | STRING | The extension type of the extension feed item |
Ad Extension | Feed item ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The ID of this feed item |
Ad Extension | Ad extension status | DIMENSION | STRING | Status of the feed item |
Ad Extension | Target device | DIMENSION | STRING | The targeted device |
Keyword | Keyword text | DIMENSION | STRING | The text of the keyword |
Keyword | Ad group criterion Keyword text | DIMENSION | STRING | The text of the keyword |
Keyword | Keyword ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The ID of the keyword |
Keyword | Match type | DIMENSION | STRING | The match type of the keyword |
Keyword | Ad group criterion match type | DIMENSION | STRING | The match type of the keyword |
Keyword | Quality score | DIMENSION | STRING | The quality score |
Keyword | Creative quality score | DIMENSION | STRING | The performance of the ad compared to other advertisers |
Keyword | Post-click quality score | DIMENSION | STRING | The quality score of the landing page |
Keyword | Search predicted CTR | DIMENSION | INTEGER | The click-through rate compared to that of other advertisers |
Keyword | First page CPC | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | The estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be shown on first page of search results |
Keyword | Top of page CPC | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | The estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be displayed at the top of the first page of search results |
Keyword | First position CPC | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | The estimate of the CPC bid required for ad to be displayed in first position, at the top of the first page of search results |
Keyword | Estimated added clicks per week at first position CPC | DIMENSION | INTEGER | Estimate of how many clicks per week you might get by changing your keyword bid to the value in First position cpc |
Keyword | Estimated added cost per week at first position CPC | DIMENSION | INTEGER | Estimate of how your cost per week might change when changing your keyword bid to the value in first_position_cpc_micros |
Keyword | Search term | DIMENSION | STRING | |
Location | Location type | DIMENSION | STRING | Type of the geo targeting of the campaign. |
Location | City | DIMENSION | STRING | |
Location | Country | DIMENSION | STRING | |
Location | Country code | DIMENSION | COUNTRY_CODE | |
Location | Region | DIMENSION | STRING | |
Location | Target location | DIMENSION | STRING | |
Visitor | Device | DIMENSION | STRING | |
Bid Goal Performance | Status | DIMENSION | STRING | The status of the bidding strategy |
Bid Goal Performance | Target CPA max CPC bid ceiling | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | The maximum CPC bid limit for the target CPA bidding strategy |
Bid Goal Performance | Target CPA max CPC bid floor | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | The minimum CPC bid limit for the target CPA bidding strategy |
Bid Goal Performance | Target CPA | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | The current target CPA set on the Target CPA bidding strategy |
Bid Goal Performance | Target ROAS bid ceiling | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | Maximum bid limit that applies to all keywords managed by the target ROAS bidding strategy configuration |
Bid Goal Performance | Target ROAS bid floor | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | Minimum bid limit that applies to all keywords managed by the target ROAS bidding strategy configuration |
Bid Goal Performance | Target ROAS | DIMENSION | INTEGER | The desired revenue per unit of spend |
Bid Goal Performance | Target spend bid ceiling | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | The largest max CPC bid that can be set by the target spend bidding strategy configuration |
Bid Goal Performance | Target spend spend target | DIMENSION | MICRO_CURRENCY | The spend target under which to maximize clicks |
Shopping Campaigns | Brand | DIMENSION | STRING | Brand of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Store ID | DIMENSION | STRING | Store ID of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Offer ID | DIMENSION | STRING | Offer/Item ID of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Merchant ID | DIMENSION | STRING | ID of the Google Merchant Center account associated with the products being advertised |
Shopping Campaigns | Product title | DIMENSION | STRING | Title of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Category (1st level) | DIMENSION | STRING | Bidding category (level 1) of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Category (2st level) | DIMENSION | STRING | Bidding category (level 2) of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Category (3st level) | DIMENSION | STRING | Bidding category (level 3) of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Category (4st level) | DIMENSION | STRING | Bidding category (level 4) of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Category (5st level) | DIMENSION | STRING | Bidding category (level 5) of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Product type (1st level) | DIMENSION | STRING | Type (level 1) of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Product type (2st level) | DIMENSION | STRING | Type (level 2) of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Product type (3st level) | DIMENSION | STRING | Type (level 3) of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Product type (4st level) | DIMENSION | STRING | Type (level 4) of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Product type (5st level) | DIMENSION | STRING | Type (level 5) of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Product condition | DIMENSION | STRING | Condition of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Custom label 0 | DIMENSION | STRING | The ProductCustomAttribute level 0 value of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Custom label 1 | DIMENSION | STRING | The ProductCustomAttribute level 1 value of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Custom label 2 | DIMENSION | STRING | The ProductCustomAttribute level 2 value of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Custom label 3 | DIMENSION | STRING | The ProductCustomAttribute level 3 value of the product |
Shopping Campaigns | Custom label 4 | DIMENSION | STRING | The ProductCustomAttribute level 4 value of the product |
Other | Ad Network type | DIMENSION | STRING | Ad Network type |
Other | Click Type | DIMENSION | STRING |