The best time to commit is now!0d days : 0h hours : 0m minutes : 0s seconds
Claim now 50% offField group | Field | Type | Data type | Description |
Performance | Impressions | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of impressions for an ad |
Performance | Unique impressions | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of unique impressions |
Performance | Paid impressions | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of paid impressions for the ad |
Performance | Swipes | METRIC | INTEGER | Swipe up count |
Performance | Amount Spent | METRIC | MICRO_CURRENCY | The amount spent on the ad. |
Engagements | Screen time | METRIC | SECONDS | Total time spent on top Snap Ad |
Engagements | First quartile views | METRIC | INTEGER | Video Views to 25% |
Engagements | Second quartile views | METRIC | INTEGER | Video Views to 50% |
Engagements | Third quartile views | METRIC | INTEGER | Video Views to 75% |
Engagements | View completions | METRIC | INTEGER | Video Views to ~100% |
Engagements | Video views | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 2 seconds of consecutive watch time or a swipe up action on the Top Snap |
Engagements | Video views 15 seconds | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of impressions that meet the qualifying video view criteria of at least 15 seconds, or 97% completion if it's shorter than 15 seconds, or a swipe up action on the ad |
Spend | eCPM | METRIC | FLOAT | The effective cost per thousand impressions |
Spend | eCPV | METRIC | FLOAT | The effective cost per video view |
Delivery | Reach | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of unique Snapchatters who viewed your Lens ad, either by receiving a Paid or Earned Impression. |
Delivery | Frequency | METRIC | FLOAT | The average amount of impressions per user reached |
Attachments | Attachment frequency | METRIC | INTEGER | The average amount of impressions per user reached for the attachment |
Attachments | Swipe up rate | METRIC | FLOAT | The percent of impressions that Swiped-Up |
Attachments | eCPSU | METRIC | FLOAT | The effective cost for a swipe-up |
Attachments | Attachment avg. view | METRIC | SECONDS | The average view time in seconds for the attachment |
Attachments | Attachment total view time | METRIC | SECONDS | The total view time in seconds for the attachment |
Attachments | Attachment impressions | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of impressions for the attachment |
Attachments | Attachment uniques | METRIC | INTEGER | The average amount of unique impressions for the attachment |
App Installs | Total app installs | METRIC | INTEGER | The total amount of app installs |
App Installs | Android installs | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of installs on the Android platform |
App Installs | iOS installs | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of installs on the iOS platform |
App Installs | eCPI | METRIC | FLOAT | The effective cost per app install |
App Installs | Application install rate | METRIC | FLOAT | The rate of app installs of all impressions |
Long Form Video | 25% attachment quartile | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of long form videos views to 25% completion |
Long Form Video | 50% attachment quartile | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of long form videos views to 50% completion |
Long Form Video | 75% attachment quartile | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of long form videos views to 75% completion |
Long Form Video | Attachment completions | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of long form videos views to completion |
Long Form Video | Attachment video views | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of long form video views viewed for at least 10 seconds or 97% of the video duration |
Long Form Video | Cost per long form video view | METRIC | FLOAT | The cost per long form video view |
Camera | Camera saves | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of saves for a camera ad |
Camera | Camera shares | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of shares for a camera ad |
Camera | Earned impressions | METRIC | INTEGER | Earned impressions for the camera ad |
Camera | Camera save rate | METRIC | FLOAT | The save rate for the camera ad |
Camera | Camera share rate | METRIC | FLOAT | The share rate for the camera ad |
Camera | eCPS | METRIC | FLOAT | The effective cost per share for the camera ad |
Story Ads | Story opens | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of opens for the story ad |
Story Ads | Cost per story open | METRIC | FLOAT | The cost per open for the story ad |
Story Ads | Story open rate | METRIC | FLOAT | The open rate for the story ad |
Story Ads | Story completes | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of completes for the story ad |
Story Ads | Story complete rate | METRIC | FLOAT | The complete rate for the story ad |
Leads | Leads | METRIC | INTEGER | Total number of users that fill out submit Lead Form attachments |
Leads | Cost per lead | METRIC | CURRENCY | Cost per Lead Form submissions |
Conversion | Purchase ROAS | METRIC | CURRENCY | Purchase Return on Ad spend |
Conversion | Purchases value | METRIC | MICRO_CURRENCY | The total value of purchases |
Conversion | Purchases value swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The total value of purchases attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Purchases value view | METRIC | INTEGER | The total value of purchases attributed to view |
Conversion | Purchases | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of purchases |
Conversion | Achievement unlocked | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of achievements unlocked |
Conversion | Achievement unlocked swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Achievement unlocked views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Achievement unlocked value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per achievement unlocked | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per achievement unlocked conversion |
Conversion | Purchases swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of purchases attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Purchases view | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of purchases attributed to view |
Conversion | Cost per purchase | METRIC | INTEGER | The cost per purchase |
Conversion | Conversion save | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of saves |
Conversion | Save swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of saves attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Save view | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of saves attributed to view |
Conversion | Cost per save | METRIC | FLOAT | The cost per save |
Conversion | Conversion app opens | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of app opens |
Conversion | App opens swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of app opens attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | App opens view | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of app opens attributed to view |
Conversion | Conversion add billing | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of billing adds |
Conversion | Add billing swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of billing adds attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Add billing view | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of billing adds attributed to view |
Conversion | Cost per add billing | METRIC | INTEGER | The cost per add billing |
Conversion | Add to cart | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of adds to cart |
Conversion | Add to cart swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of adds to cart attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Add to cart view | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of adds to cart attributed to view |
Conversion | Cost per add to cart | METRIC | FLOAT | The cost per add to cart |
Conversion | Conversion level completes | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of level completes |
Conversion | Level complete swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of level completes attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Level complete view | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of level completes attributed to view |
Conversion | Conversion page views | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of page views |
Conversion | Page views swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of page views attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Page views view | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of page views attributed to view |
Conversion | Cost per page view | METRIC | FLOAT | The cost per page view |
Conversion | Conversion searches | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of searches |
Conversion | Searches swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of searches attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Searches view | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of searces attributed to view |
Conversion | Cost per search | METRIC | FLOAT | The cost per search |
Conversion | Sign ups | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of sign-ups |
Conversion | Sign ups swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of sign-ups attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Sign ups view | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of sign-ups attributed to view |
Conversion | Cost per sign up | METRIC | FLOAT | The cost per sign up |
Conversion | Conversion view content | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of content views |
Conversion | Content views swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of content views attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Content views view | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of content views attributed to view |
Conversion | Cost per content view | METRIC | FLOAT | The cost per content view |
Conversion | Conversion start checkout | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of started checkouts |
Conversion | Started checkouts swipe up | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of started checkouts attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Started checkouts view | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of started checkouts attributed to view |
Conversion | Cost per start checkout | METRIC | FLOAT | The cost per start checkout |
Conversion | Custom event 1 | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_1 conversions |
Conversion | Custom event 1 swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_1 conversions attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Custom event 1 views | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_1 conversions attributed to views |
Conversion | Cost per custom event 1 | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per CUSTOM_EVENT_1 conversion |
Conversion | Custom event 2 | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_2 conversions |
Conversion | Custom event 2 | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_2 conversions attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Custom event 2 | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_2 conversions attributed to views |
Conversion | Cost per custom event 2 | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per CUSTOM_EVENT_2 conversion |
Conversion | Custom event 3 | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_3 conversions |
Conversion | Custom event 3 swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_3 conversions attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Custom event 3 | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_3 conversions attributed to views |
Conversion | Cost per custom event 3 | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per CUSTOM_EVENT_3 conversion |
Conversion | Custom event 4 | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_4 conversions |
Conversion | Custom event 4 swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_4 conversions attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Custom event 4 views | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_4 conversions attributed to views |
Conversion | Cost per custom event 4 | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per CUSTOM_EVENT_4 conversion |
Conversion | Custom event 5 | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_5 conversions |
Conversion | Custom event 5 swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_5 conversions attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Custom event 5 views | METRIC | INTEGER | The amount of CUSTOM_EVENT_5 conversions attributed to views |
Conversion | Cost per custom event 5 | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per CUSTOM_EVENT_5 conversion |
Conversion | Subscribes | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed SUBSCRIBE conversion events |
Conversion | Subscribes swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed SUBSCRIBE conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Subscribes views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed SUBSCRIBE conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Subscribes value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed SUBSCRIBE conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per subscribe conversion | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per subscribe conversion |
Conversion | Ad clicks | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_AD_CLICK conversion events |
Conversion | Ad clicks swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_AD_CLICK conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Ad clicks views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_AD_CLICK conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Ad clicks value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_AD_CLICK conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per ad click | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per ad click conversion |
Conversion | Ad views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_AD_VIEW conversion events |
Conversion | Ad views swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_AD_VIEW conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Ad views views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_AD_VIEW conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Ad views value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_AD_VIEW conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per ad view | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per ad view conversion |
Conversion | Completed tutorials | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_COMPLETE_TUTORIAL conversion events |
Conversion | Completed tutorials swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_COMPLETE_TUTORIAL conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Completed tutorials views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_COMPLETE_TUTORIAL conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Completed tutorials value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_COMPLETE_TUTORIAL conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per completed tutorial | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per completed tutorial |
Conversion | Invites sent | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_INVITE conversion events |
Conversion | Invites sent swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_INVITE conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Invites sent views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_INVITE conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Invites sent value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_INVITE conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per invites sent | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per invites sent conversion |
Conversion | Conversion login | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_LOGIN conversion events |
Conversion | Logins swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_LOGIN conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Logins views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_LOGIN conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Logins value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_LOGIN conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per login | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per login conversion |
Conversion | Conversion share | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_SHARE conversion events |
Conversion | Shares swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_SHARE conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Shares views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_SHARE conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Shares value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_SHARE conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per share | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per share conversion |
Conversion | Conversion reserve | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_RESERVE conversion events |
Conversion | Reservations swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_RESERVE conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Reservations views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_RESERVE conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Reservations value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_RESERVE conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per reservation | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per reservation conversion |
Conversion | Adds to wishlist | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_ADD_TO_WISHLIST conversion events |
Conversion | Adds to wishlist swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_ADD_TO_WISHLIST conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Adds to wishlist views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_ADD_TO_WISHLIST conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Adds to wishlist value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_ADD_TO_WISHLIST conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per add to wishlist | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per add to wishlist conversion |
Conversion | Credits spent | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_SPEND_CREDITS conversion events |
Conversion | Credits spent swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_SPEND_CREDITS conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Credits spent views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_SPEND_CREDITS conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Credits spent value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_SPEND_CREDITS conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per credit spent | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per credit spent conversion |
Conversion | Rates submitted | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_RATE conversion events |
Conversion | Rates submitted swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_RATE conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Rates submitted views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_RATE conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Rates submitted value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_RATE conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per rate submitted conversion | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per rate submitted conversion |
Conversion | Trial starts | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_START_TRIAL conversion events |
Conversion | Trial starts swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_START_TRIAL conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Trial starts views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_START_TRIAL conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Trial starts value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed CONVERSION_START_TRIAL conversion events value |
Conversion | Cost per trial start | METRIC | FLOAT | Cost per trial start conversion |
Conversion | Lists viewed | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed LIST_VIEW conversion events |
Conversion | Lists viewed swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed LIST_VIEW conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Lists viewed views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed LIST_VIEW conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Lists viewed value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed LIST_VIEW conversion events value |
Conversion | Store visits | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed VISIT conversion events |
Conversion | Store visits swipe ups | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed VISIT conversion events attributed to swipe-ups |
Conversion | Store visits views | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed VISIT conversion events attributed to views |
Conversion | Store visits value | METRIC | INTEGER | # of attributed VISIT conversion events value |
Time | Year | DIMENSION | YEAR | Year in the format 2022 |
Time | Year month | DIMENSION | YEARMONTH | Year & Month in the format 2022-Nov |
Time | Year month number | DIMENSION | YEAR_MONTH_NUMBER | Year & Month in the format 2022-09 |
Time | Month | DIMENSION | MONTHNAME | You will get one result set for each calendar month in the given period. |
Time | Month number | DIMENSION | MONTH | You will get one result set for each calendar month in the given period. |
Time | Week number(sun-sat) | DIMENSION | WEEK_NUMBER | Week number. You will get one result set for every 7 Days in the given period |
Time | Week number(mon-sun) | DIMENSION | WEEK_ISO_NUMBER | ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. |
Time | Week start date(sun - sat) | DIMENSION | WEEK_START_DATE | Start date of the week. |
Time | Week start date(mon - sun) | DIMENSION | WEEK_ISO_START_DATE | Start date of the ISO week. |
Time | Date | DIMENSION | DATE | You will get one result set for each day in the given period |
Time | Hour | DIMENSION | HOUR | Hour based on the time zone of the advertising account. |
Ad Accounts | Ad account name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the ad account |
Ad Accounts | Ad account ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The unique identifier of the ad account |
Ad Accounts | Ad account currency | DIMENSION | STRING | The currency of the ad account |
Ad Accounts | Ad account type | DIMENSION | STRING | The type of the ad account |
Ad Accounts | Ad account status | DIMENSION | STRING | The status of the ad account |
Ad Accounts | Ad account organization ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The unique identifier of the organization of the ad account |
Ad Accounts | Ad account timezone | DIMENSION | STRING | The timezone of the ad account |
Campaign | Campaign name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the campaign |
Campaign | Campaign ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The unique identifier of the campaign |
Campaign | Campaign status | DIMENSION | STRING | The status of the campaign |
Campaign | Campaign start date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the campaign started |
Campaign | Campaign end date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the campaign ended |
Campaign | Campaign start datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the campaign started |
Campaign | Campaign end datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date when when the campaign ended |
Campaign | Campaign created date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the campaign was created. |
Campaign | Campaign updated date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the campaign was last updated. |
Campaign | Campaign created datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the campaign was created. |
Campaign | Campaign updated datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the campaign was last updated. |
Campaign | Campaign objective | DIMENSION | STRING | The objective of the Campaign |
Ad Squad | Ad squad name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the ad squad. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The unique identifier of the ad squad |
Ad Squad | Ad squad status | DIMENSION | STRING | The current status of the ad squad. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad start date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the squad started. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad end date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the squad ended. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad start datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the ad squad started. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad end datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the ad squad ended. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad created date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the ad squad was created |
Ad Squad | Ad squad updated date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the ad squad was last updated. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad created datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the ad squad was created. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad updated datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the ad squad was last updated. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad type | DIMENSION | STRING | The type of the ad squad. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad placement | DIMENSION | STRING | The placement of the ad squad. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad event | DIMENSION | STRING | The billing event of the ad squad |
Ad Squad | Ad squad daily budget | DIMENSION | STRING | The daily budget of the ad squad. |
Ad Squad | Ad squad optimization goal | DIMENSION | STRING | The optimization goal of the ad squad. |
Ad | Ad name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the ad |
Ad | Ad ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The unique identifier of the ad |
Ad | Ad status | DIMENSION | STRING | The status of the ad |
Ad | Ad created date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the ad was created. |
Ad | Ad updated date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the ad was last updated. |
Ad | Ad created datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the ad was created. |
Ad | Ad updated datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the ad was last updated. |
Ad | Ad review status | DIMENSION | STRING | The review status of the ad |
Ad | Ad type | DIMENSION | STRING | The type of the ad |
Creative | Creative name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the creative |
Creative | Creative ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The unique identifier of the creative |
Creative | Creative type | DIMENSION | STRING | The type of the creative |
Creative | Creative packaging status | DIMENSION | STRING | Packaging status of the creative |
Creative | Creative review | DIMENSION | STRING | The review status of the creative |
Creative | Creative is shareable | DIMENSION | STRING | Whether or not the creative is shareable |
Creative | Position of cropped ad creative | DIMENSION | STRING | Creative top Snap crop position |
Creative | Creative web view URL | DIMENSION | URL | Web view URL of ad creative |
Country | Country code | DIMENSION | COUNTRY_CODE | The country code of the requested insights |
Country | Country | DIMENSION | COUNTRY | The country of the requested insights |
Region | Region code | DIMENSION | REGION_CODE | The region of the requested insights |
DMA | DMA code | DIMENSION | STRING | The DMA code of the requested insights |
Demographic | Gender | DIMENSION | STRING | The gender group of the ad insights |
Demographic | Age group | DIMENSION | STRING | The age group of the ad insights |
Device OS | Operating system | DIMENSION | STRING | The operating system of the requested insights |
Device Make | Device Make | DIMENSION | STRING | The make of the device for the requested insights |