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Claim now 50% offField group | Field | Type | Data type | Description |
Views | Views on Maps (mobile) | METRIC | INTEGER | Business impressions on Google Maps on Mobile devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression. |
Views | Views on Maps (desktop) | METRIC | INTEGER | Business impressions on Google Maps on Desktop devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression. |
Views | Views on Maps | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times the resource was viewed on Google Maps |
Views | Views on Search (mobile) | METRIC | INTEGER | Business impressions on Google Search on Mobile devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression. |
Views | Views on Search (desktop) | METRIC | INTEGER | Business impressions on Google Search on Desktop devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression. |
Views | Views on Search | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times the resource was viewed on Google Search |
Views | Total views | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of times the resource was viewer |
Actions | Website visits | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times the business profile website was clicked. |
Actions | Phone calls | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times the business profile call button was clicked. |
Actions | Directions requests | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times a direction request was requested to the business location. |
Actions | Messages | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of message conversations received on the business profile. |
Actions | Bookings | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of bookings received from the business profile. |
Actions | Food orders | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of food orders received from the business profile. |
Actions | Total actions | METRIC | INTEGER | Total number of times customers have taken action on this listing |
Reviews Totals | Total review count | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of reviews |
Reviews Totals | Avg. overall star rating | METRIC | FLOAT | Average overall star rating |
Search Impressions | Search impressions | METRIC | INTEGER | The sum of the number of unique users that used the keyword in a month. If they the value is below 15 then threshold value will be used instead. |
Search (deprecated) | Total search impressions (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of times the resource was shown as a result of a search |
Search (deprecated) | Direct search impressions (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times the resource was shown when searching for the location directly |
Search (deprecated) | Discovery search impressions (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times the resource was shown as a result of a categorical search |
Search (deprecated) | Branded search impressions (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times a resource was shown as a result of a search for the chain it belongs to |
Photo (deprecated) | Photo views (merchant) (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of views on photos uploaded by the merchant |
Photo (deprecated) | Photo views (customers) (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of views on photos uploaded by the customers |
Photo (deprecated) | Total photo views (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of photo views |
Photo (deprecated) | Photos uploaded (merchant) (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of photos that are currently live that have been uploaded by the merchant |
Photo (deprecated) | Photos uploaded (customers) (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of photos that are currently live that have been uploaded by customers |
Photo (deprecated) | Total photos uploaded (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of photos that are currently live |
Post Insights (deprecated) | Post views (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times the local post was viewed on Google Search |
Post Insights (deprecated) | Post actions (deprecated) | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of times the call to action button was clicked |
Time | Year | DIMENSION | YEAR | Events are broken down yearly |
Time | Year month | DIMENSION | YEARMONTH | Events are broken down monthly |
Time | Year month number | DIMENSION | YEAR_MONTH_NUMBER | Events are broken down monthly |
Time | Month | DIMENSION | MONTHNAME | Events are broken down monthly |
Time | Month Number | DIMENSION | MONTH | Events are broken down monthly |
Time | Week number(sun-sat) | DIMENSION | WEEK_NUMBER | Events are broken down weekly |
Time | Week number(mon-sun) | DIMENSION | WEEK_ISO_NUMBER | Events are broken down ISO weekly |
Time | Week start date(sun - sat) | DIMENSION | WEEK_START_DATE | Start date of the week. |
Time | Week start date(mon - sun) | DIMENSION | WEEK_ISO_START_DATE | Start date of the ISO week. |
Time | Date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date of the event |
Location Group / Business Account | Account name | DIMENSION | STRING | Name of the location group / business account. For personal accounts, this is the first and last name |
Location Group / Business Account | Account ID | DIMENSION | STRING | ID of the location group / business account |
Location | Location name | DIMENSION | STRING | Name of the business Location |
Location | Location ID | DIMENSION | STRING | ID of the business location |
Location | Location name & ID | DIMENSION | STRING | Name and ID of the business location |
Location | Location description | DIMENSION | STRING | Merchant provided description of the business |
Location | Location code | DIMENSION | STRING | The language of the business location |
Location | Store code | DIMENSION | STRING | External identifier for the business, which is unique inside a given account |
Location | Primary phone | DIMENSION | STRING | A phone number that connects to the individual business location as directly as possible |
Location | Additional phones | DIMENSION | STRING | Additional phone numbers at which the business can be called, in addition to the primary phone number |
Location | Regular operating hours | DIMENSION | STRING | Operating hours for the business |
Location | Special operating hours | DIMENSION | STRING | Special operating hours for the business. This typically includes holiday hours, and other times outside of regular operating hours |
Location | Website URL | DIMENSION | URL | A URL for the business |
Location | Google Ads ad phone | DIMENSION | STRING | Alternate phone number displayed on Google Ads location extensions |
Location | A collection of free-form strings used to tag the business | DIMENSION | STRING | Location Labels |
Location | Coordinates | DIMENSION | LATITUDE_LONGITUDE | Location Coordinates |
Location | Latitude | DIMENSION | STRING | The latitude in degrees |
Location | Longitude | DIMENSION | STRING | The longitude in degrees |
Location | Price lists | DIMENSION | STRING | Price list information for the business location |
Location Open Info | Location status | DIMENSION | STRING | Indicates whether or not the location is currently open for business |
Location Open Info | Opening year | DIMENSION | STRING | The year when the location first opened |
Location Open Info | Opening month | DIMENSION | STRING | The month when the location first opened |
Location Open Info | Opening day | DIMENSION | STRING | The day when the location first opened |
Location Postal Address | Address region code | DIMENSION | REGION_CODE | CLDR region code of the country/region of the address |
Location Postal Address | Address language code | DIMENSION | STRING | BCP-47 language code of the contents of the address |
Location Postal Address | Postal code | DIMENSION | STRING | Postal code of the address |
Location Postal Address | Sorting code | DIMENSION | STRING | Additional, country-specific, sorting code |
Location Postal Address | Administrative area | DIMENSION | STRING | Highest administrative subdivision which is used for postal addresses of a country or region |
Location Postal Address | Locality | DIMENSION | STRING | Generally refers to the city/town portion of the address |
Location Postal Address | Sublocality | DIMENSION | STRING | Sublocality of the address |
Location Postal Address | Address lines | DIMENSION | STRING | Unstructured address lines describing the lower levels of the addr |
Location Postal Address | Recipients | DIMENSION | STRING | The recipient at the address |
Location Postal Address | Organization | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the organization at the address |
Location Category | Category name | DIMENSION | STRING | Name of the category |
Location Category | Category ID | DIMENSION | STRING | ID of the category |
Location Category | Primary category | DIMENSION | STRING | Primary category of the location |
Location Category | Additional categories | DIMENSION | STRING | Additional location categories |
Location Service Area | Business type | DIMENSION | STRING | Indicates whether the business only offers services on-site at a customer location, or at both an address and on-site |
Google Maps | Google Maps URL | DIMENSION | URL | A link to the location on Maps |
Google Maps | Google Maps place ID | DIMENSION | STRING | Google Maps place ID for the location |
Views breakdown | View source | DIMENSION | STRING | The source where the view originated from |
Views breakdown | View medium | DIMENSION | STRING | The medium where the view originated from |
Actions breakdown | Action type | DIMENSION | STRING | The type of action that occurred |
Search Keyword | Search terms | DIMENSION | STRING | Search terms that showed your Business Profile in the search results. |
Reviews | Review ID | DIMENSION | STRING | ID of the review |
Reviews | Star rating | DIMENSION | STRING | The star rating out of five, where five is the highest rated |
Reviews | Reviewer name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the reviewer |
Reviews | Reviewer profile photo URL | DIMENSION | IMAGE_URL | The URL of the reviewer's profile photo |
Reviews | Is Anonymous User | DIMENSION | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether the reviewer has opted to remain anonymous. |
Reviews | Review comment | DIMENSION | STRING | The body of the review |
Reviews | Review reply comment | DIMENSION | STRING | The body of the reply to the review |
Reviews | Review creation date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when review was created |
Reviews | Review creation date time | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when review was created |
Reviews | Review modification date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when review was updated |
Reviews | Review modification date time | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when review was updated |
Reviews | Review reply time | DIMENSION | TIME | The time when review was replied to |
Media | Media ID | DIMENSION | STRING | ID of the media item |
Media | Media creation date time | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date time when Media was added |
Media | Media creation date time | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The time when media was added |
Media | Media format | DIMENSION | STRING | The media format |
Media | Media category | DIMENSION | STRING | The category that media item belongs to |
Media | Location media URL | DIMENSION | STRING | Google-hosted URL for the location/business-uploaded media item |
Media | Thumbnail URL | DIMENSION | IMAGE_URL | URL of a thumbnail image for the media item |
Media | Width (px) | DIMENSION | STRING | Width of the media item, in pixels |
Media | Height (px) | DIMENSION | STRING | Height of the media item, in pixels |
Media | Total media views | DIMENSION | STRING | The number of times the media item has been viewed |
Media | Total media items | DIMENSION | STRING | The total number of media items |
Customer Media | Media ID | DIMENSION | STRING | ID of the media item |
Customer Media | Media creation date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when Media was added |
Customer Media | Media creation date time | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date time when media was added |
Customer Media | Media format | DIMENSION | STRING | The media format |
Customer Media | Media category | DIMENSION | STRING | The category that media item belongs to |
Customer Media | Location media URL | DIMENSION | URL | Google-hosted URL for the location/business-uploaded media item |
Customer Media | Thumbnail URL | DIMENSION | IMAGE_URL | URL of a thumbnail image for the media item |
Customer Media | Width (px) | DIMENSION | STRING | Width of the media item, in pixels |
Customer Media | Height (px) | DIMENSION | STRING | Height of the media item, in pixels |
Customer Media | Total media views | DIMENSION | STRING | The number of times the media item has been viewed |
Customer Media | Total media items | DIMENSION | STRING | The total number of media items |
Customer Media Attribution | contributor name | DIMENSION | STRING | The user name to attribute the media item to |
Customer Media Attribution | Contributor photo URL | DIMENSION | IMAGE_URL | URL of the attributed user's profile photo thumbnail |
Customer Media Attribution | Takedown URL | DIMENSION | URL | The URL of the takedown page, where the media item can be reported if it is inappropriate |
Customer Media Attribution | Profile URL | DIMENSION | URL | The URL of the attributed user's Google Maps profile page |
Post | Post ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The ID of the local post |
Post | Post language code | DIMENSION | STRING | The language of the local post |
Post | Post creation date time | DIMENSION | DATETIME | Time of the creation of the local post |
Post | Post modification date time | DIMENSION | DATETIME | Time of the last modification of the local post |
Post | Post summary | DIMENSION | STRING | Description of the local post |
Post | Post action type | DIMENSION | STRING | The type of action that will be performed |
Post | Post action URL | DIMENSION | URL | The URL the user will be directed to upon clicking |
Post | Post state | DIMENSION | STRING | The state of the post, indicating what part of its lifecycle it is in |
Post | Post URL on Google search | DIMENSION | URL | The link to the local post on Google search |
Post | Post topic type | DIMENSION | STRING | The topic type of the local post |
Post Media | Post media ID | DIMENSION | STRING | ID of the media item |
Post Media | Post media format | DIMENSION | STRING | The format of the media item |
Post Media | Post media Google URL | DIMENSION | URL | Google-hosted URL for this media item. This URL is not static and may change over time |
Event | Post event title | DIMENSION | STRING | Title of the event |
Event | Post event start time | DIMENSION | STRING | Start time of the event |
Event | Post event end time | DIMENSION | STRING | End date of the event |
Offer | Offer coupon code | DIMENSION | STRING | Offer code that is usable in store or online |
Offer | Offer redeem online URL | DIMENSION | URL | Online link to redeem offer |
Offer | Offer terms and conditions | DIMENSION | STRING | Offer terms and conditions |